how it Works

Donate food: no waste, all impact

Create your Donor account

If you’re a food business with surplus food (restaurants, retailers, caterers, farms, schools, etc.), create an account to start donating.

Post available food

Share details about your food donation on our platform. Include information like quantity, type of food, pickup window, and any special handling requirements.

Arrange transfer

Once a local nonprofit claims your donation, coordinate pickup or delivery details through our platform.

For donations up to 40 pounds, our volunteer drivers may be available to help with delivery.

Get food when and where you need it

Verify your organization

Create an account and provide your 501(c)(3) documentation.

Once verified, you’ll be connected to food donors in your area.

Set your food preferences

Set your food preferences and capacity to receive donations. We’ll notify you when matching donations become available in your area.

Accept available donations

When you see a donation that fits your needs, claim it quickly and arrange pickup or delivery with the donor. You’ll get real-time notifications for donations matching your preferences.

Join Our Nationwide Network of Food Recovery

Whether you’re donating or receiving food, we’ll connect you with partners in your area. Our nationwide network means more opportunities to reduce waste and feed communities.

Food Partners Highlights

The 3,400+ food partners in our community is what makes food recovery successful. Collaboration on all sides keeps extra food out of the landfill and on the plates of our neighbors.

Sea.Hear.Now Festival

“It was super fun to be able to take a whole new perspective towards the Sea.Hear.Now festival. As a local it’s a huge deal for Asbury to bring in all of those people but to then take the food and benefit the community further was really gratifying. And with that volume of food we were able to donate to several pantries as well so the benefits spread to multiple corners of the community.”

Jess Fortunato, New Jersey Transportation Provider

Ashbury Park, NJ

Large Food Donation Recovery

Dig Deep Farms & Food Hub

“We really appreciate the large donation! It made a huge impact in tackling food-insecurity within our communities and assisting the thousands of kids in need within our organization’s sports programs.”

Etsub Senshaw, Food Recovery Manager

San Leandro, CA

Avalon Middle School

“While I was reluctant at first to try something new, I said let me give it a try. I soon found out how easy and quickly it was to use the Means Database and input the information. It took less than 5 minutes and the response time was so quick on getting a pick up for the items. ”

Frank Soltes, Food Service Manager

Orlando, FL


You should not have to pay to do the right thing. Diverting edible food from landfills with is entirely free. Whether you have excess food or need it, we’re here to help.


food partners nationwide


states + DC



pounds of CO2e emissions avoided in 2023

52+ million

pounds of food recovered in 2023’s

Impact to Date has worked to prevent food insecurity since 2015 and continues to adapt to meet the needs of food businesses and nonprofit organizations serving their communities.

We recover food in all 50 states and DC. All for free.