As we approach the end of the year, we begin to reflect on all that has happened and been accomplished over the last twelve months. Whether it be our personal or professional achievements, or our shortcomings, the last twelve months have been a whirlwind of emotions and changes for everyone. Here at MEANS, we have continued to navigate the pandemic the best we can and looked to other ways in which our organization can become of greater assistance to our nonprofit partners and the individuals we serve.
In this year alone, MEANS Database has rescued over 100,000 pounds of food and provided over 510,000 meals through our community meal program. These numbers would not be remotely possible without the support of those who believe in the mission of MEANS and choose to support the work we are doing.

Our key project areas have been our Community Meal Program, which provides meals for those facing food insecurity in eight cities across the U.S. and is funded by Grubhub, an EPA funded food rescue program in Rhode Island, and a tremendous outreach initiative in Florida. These programs have led us to create incredible relationships with nonprofit partners and business owners across the country. We have also been able to rescue thousands of pounds of food that were donated as a result of school or business closures due to the capricious tendencies of the ongoing pandemic. These partnerships have led to the expansion of MEANS deeper into communities that are using the platform to share and rescue food.

Looking forward to 2022, we are eager to continue on with our current projects, while also adding in new initiatives to rescue more food across the country. Our biggest goal for 2021 is to expand the ability to offer transportation to all fifty states. Through alternative funding, we have been able to offer transportation in specific regions. When MEANS is able to provide transportation, our rescue rate increases five fold.
Whether you have been with us from the beginning or just learned about our work, we want to thank you for your continuous support and belief in our mission. We invite you to be a part of this important work by staying connected through our social media accounts, introducing local businesses to food recovery, and by donating here.